

こんなカンジでPebbleが発送されたとの通知がきた。1月13日にpreorderしたので,7ヶ月弱かかった。すでにSONY SmartWatch MN2を買っちゃたけど人柱覚悟で。

Hello xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx,

Your Pebble eSmart Watch has shipped! The tracking number is RAxxxxxxxx7SG. To lookup the status of your shipment, visit singpost.com/, select "Track Item" on the left menu and enter the tracking number. If the status shows as having left Singapore, select your destination country from the drop down menu and re-enter your tracking number on the website you're re-directed to.

NOTE: Not all countries have door to door tracking available. Please allow approx. 24 hours for SingPost to start populating the tracking information.

Get started with your Pebble at go.getpebble.com. If you have any questions, or need help, visit help.getpebble.com.\n

Send any questions you may have to support@getpebble.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We apologize for any delayed responses as we are experiencing higher than normal email volumes.

Thank You,
Pebble Team

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